Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The End of 2013 and....Time

Unbelievable! Another year has come and gone and even though you (or in this case, I) have experienced some very difficult times, that time really moves quickly. Strangely enough, when you feel like you are stuck in time and it can't move fast enough, it really is moving too fast. For example: when I rang in the New Year last year at this time...well I was passed out before midnight. I was in the middle of recovering from one of my 5 hour chemo treatments. Feeling and probably looking like I was starring in "The Walking Dead," that's how I rang in 2013. Time moved...it never stood still even though it felt like it.
Moving into February of 2013, the month of my last chemo treatments....I found myself in the Emergency Room on Angie's birthday: February 12, 2013. I scared her and everyone else for that matter, even me. The chemo had beaten me, almost to the point of stopping my heart. I was paralyzed for what seem to be forever. I honestly thought my time was up, but time didn't stop than either. We made it through that day and two days later, I finished my last treatment. I am not sure how any of us pulled that off, but we did and the time came to celebrate the end of chemo.

The rest of 2013, I spent recovering from the damage chemo took on my body and some of my organ functions, my Kidneys to be exact. I also have learned, in time, to deal with the neuropathy in my hands and feet. In time, this Lung Cancer will no longer exist in my memory. If only my energy and kidneys would function appropriately, but in time.
Through the living hell my family and I lived through in 2012 and into 2013, we got to take some time and run away from the world. Me, Angie, my sister(s), and my momma took our first cruise together. I wanted to live life and do crazy things. The craziest I got was to sign up for zip lining, swimming with dolphins and those awful sting rays. It was amazing (PS, I strongly dislike stingrays). The sun, the water, the life on a boat....we had the time of our lives and we will do it again in 2014 and hopefully every year after that.

I got married! Yup....the one who always second guessed commitments. It was beautiful and Angie...she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. This day, was a moment in time that I will never forget.

These were just a few events that took place in 2013 after Chemo was over. I have found a new person through this...someone who thinks about time a whole lot differently. Time is of the essence. It will move faster and faster and now is the time for me to slow down. Take every moment I have and seize it. I need to live and do things in this life that make me happy; new things, crazy things (like jump out of an airplane crazy). I need to make sure that my time is not wasted by being unhappy, negative, or unhealthy. I need to stop wasting time because eventually, it will run out for me and when it does, I don't want to look back and say I wish! So, my friends....I wish you all a very happy New Year and that you will use your time in this year to your advantage. Make someone happy, live, love, laugh, and.....carry on. Happy 2014!