Good evening followers. It has been awhile since I have felt energized enough to sit down and write, you have missed out on quite a bit. Let me try to catch you up. If I remember right, which I often do not due to chemo, I last wrote before my final two treatments. Let's begin with the second to last treatment. It sucked and was the hardest one yet. I got sick and got sick some more. I honestly felt like the treatment was killing me. Angie was by my side the entire time, helping me in the middle of the night. She would get up and rub my back while I prayed to the porcelain god every time. She would hound me about constantly drinking and make me anything I needed to eat. The problem was, I couldn't drink nor did I want to and I certainly did not want to eat. Every time I took a sip, it felt like I was swallowing liquid nails. Every time I would attempt to eat, I'd have to be close to the bathroom. Angie was beginning to think like me. Neither one of us thought my body or I could handle another treatment, but eventually I started to feel better and low and behold came the final round.
I did not want to go through the final round, but my doctor convinced me that at my age, it was necessary. So, I put my big girl boots on, saddled up and did it. I had some wonderful and inspiring people come and visit me during my last 5 hour stay. The more time I arrived and spent at the Cancer Center, it made me nauseous. I started getting sick before they even hooked me up and than again during my drips. Every time I lost my cookies, I felt the need to apologize to the nurses as if I was the first one they've seen get sick.
After much sleeping, hurling, and dealing with anxiety I made it through the weekend. Now comes the scary part. On Monday, February 11 I woke with a strange tingling throughout my body. I'm not talking a feel good tingle, I am talking like massive volts moving through my body. This concerned me enough to call my nurse. She told me that if I had any loss of movement to get to the ER, other than that it was all part of the game. Eventually, the tingles went away until the next day that is. Tuesday, February 12 (Angie's Birthday) may have been the scariest day of my life. The tingles returned and this time it was ten times worse. I remember looking at Angie and telling her that I thought I needed to see somebody. By the time we got into the car, I couldn't move my hands, they were stuck. By the time we backed out, my face was frozen. I couldn't talk, I couldn't squeeze my hands, I felt paralyzed. After what seemed like days, we made it to the hospital. Angie walked actually half way ran me to the Cancer Center in Newton, where I go to get fluids. My nurse there came running to us and told Angie to get me up to the ER quickly. Angie was so brave and held it together, but at this point she broke down a little and told my nurse that I was scarring her. By this time, my legs wouldn't work and my eyes started tweaking out. Angie and my nurse helped me into a wheel chair and Angie sprinted to the ER. I don't remember much of that day, but I do remember the nurse taking such good care of me. I also remember asking her if I was going to die. It felt like I was having little strokes and I honestly felt like I was slipping away. I felt some comfort when the nurse told me that I wasn't going to die, but that didn't make the feelings go away. I started having a panic attack on top of every thing else, which made me feel worse if that was possible. Before I knew my mom showed up, my sissy and daddy followed shortly after. The last one to come was my boss Jane. They were all by my side just like they have been.
The ER doctor finally came into see me, he had no idea what was going on, but he was very thorough. As if I wasn't scared enough, he told me he was going to get a scan of my brain. I must have looked at him as if he were a ghost, what did that mean and why did he need to see my brain? I found out after the fact, that Angie thought maybe the cancer had spread to my brain. She had to be so terrified. The doctor also told me that they wanted to send me to Des Moines by ambulance and that didn't settle well either. I think that's when the nurse came in and gave me some anti-anxiety meds. Whatever it was must have worked because I settled down just a tad, enough that they didn't have to send me by ambulance. My sissy drove all of us instead. But, before we left my mom had asked the ER doc about my magnesium and potassium levels. Why did she do that and what did that mean? Don't forget this part, I'll explain in a minute.
We get to Des Moines to see my oncologist and by this time my body stopped tingling a bit, I forced myself to make a fist, and my eyes stopped tweaking. I was thinking that my nurse there and the doc probably thought I was crazy. They didn't seem too confident they knew what was going on either. My mom once again asked about my potassium and magnesium levels. Doc didn't seemed to concerned, but he must have seen something odd because I had to get an infusion of some kind. I felt really bad that we had to spend Angie's birthday in that fashion. At least we didn't have to spend the night in the hospital, which very easily could have been an option. After my infusion, we finally get to go home, but first we had to make a stop at the pharmacy. Added on to my laundry list of pills was a bottle of magnesium supplements, potassium supplements, and calcium supplements. Holy crap, I don't think I could swallow all of these and why in the heck do I need them. It turns out, I honestly feel like my mom saved my life that day. To be continued............
After my trip to the ER, Wednesday the 13th came and went and finally it was Valentine's Day. The day I have been praying for, the last day of treatment. At first I was wondering if I was well enough to get treatment, but thankfully I was good enough. Angie and my mom were being awfully weird on this day and I knew they were up to something. They had been sneaking things around and whispering for days, but I couldn't focus on that. The only thing I could focus on was to not get sick and just get through this treatment. In the couple hours we were there, I had a few visitors. My daddy came, which made me happy and than some friends, Kristin and Tracy. I thought this was awfully sweet of them, strange, but sweet. Much to my surprise, after my treatment and a quick prayer yet again to the porcelain god, we walked out of there for the last time and there standing where a bunch of friends and family! They all had a white carnation and a white balloon. This is why my mom and Angie were being so weird. They came to surprise me and what a great job they did. They presented me with a make shift check of $1,000 some dollars. My family graciously went behind my back and created a fund for people to donate $14.00 to on the 14th. The money collected would go to anything I wanted to do with it. How incredibly awesome is this! Wait until you hear what I have planned.......
As the days went by, I felt again like I couldn't take much more, but I trudged through. A few days later, I had to get my blood checked. So I did and off to work I went. I got a phone call with the results and I immediately needed to go in for an infusion of magnesium. Finally, my nurse explained to me that the reason I ended up in the ER was due to my extremely low levels of potassium and magnesium. My mom hit the nail right on the head, that was my problem.
I have my blood checked every week and every week it comes back saying I need more. I found out this last time that my magnesium level on the day of the ER was at 0.5 and it should be at minimum 1.8. I was at a point where my heart should have stopped. My mom saved me. As of today, my potassium level is normal, my magnesium level is 1.2 and my creatinine level is high (which is not great, sort of means my kidneys are not acting like they should). My muscles have atrophied, but the most important thing is that I am feeling better every day. This has got me thinking.....................