August 27 we all load up the vehicles and off we go back to MAYO. I agreed to allow the researchers up there to use me. So before I met with the doc for my pre-op appointment, I met with the researchers and they had me do a walking test and than an MRI. By this time, I am really tired of having MRIs. Every time they have to start an IV and inject some contrast in me, which, is not the best thing for you. I waited for that MRI forever and of course I was in a gown and it was freezing! So, what else did I have to do besides make friends with everyone else in the waiting room.
Finally, that was completed and we made our way to see the doc for my pre-op. That only took 10 min. He reviewed the procedure with me, answered any questions I had, and that was it. I did inform him that I was pretty sure I would be in surgery on Tuesday and on my way home on Thursday....(typical hospital stay for this surgery is 3-5 days), but for some reason I think I am a quick healer. He told me that he actually wouldn't be surprised knowing me.....yeah well???
We had to check in at 5:30 the next morning. I woke up went and kissed my sister, Jacque, and the kids and told them I'd see them later. We checked in and soon an escort came and called 5-6 different names. We all stood up and followed the escort upstairs. To me, this was really strange. It was like we were complete strangers, but the 5-6 of us were all going in this thing together. Thankfully, we all got our separate rooms. I'd hate for more people to see me in a hospital gown. So, I was pretty excited this morning!
I am not sure who gets this excited to have a major surgery, but I think I knew that they were finally getting the cancer out of me and that made me feel good. MAYO has the nicest people working there. The nurse came in and prepared me somewhat and did I have some fun with her bright and early. She was very sweet and played along very well. I bet in reality she couldn't wait until they put me to sleep! I go.
Um, I guess I didn't like my little head gear. I put it back on and my mom, dad, and Angie gave me their love. I was being wheeled back into the procedure room trying to take everything in. It was like entering into the twilight zone. The nurse locked me into place and I was swarmed with more nurses. There were nurses ahead of me preparing instruments, so there was a lot of clanging. I had a nurse on each side of me, one was putting oxygen on and trying to carry on a normal conversation with me. I didn't have interest at this point in telling her where I worked and so on because the other nurse was attempting to put my IV in. She was not having much success. My veins had been poked so many time in the past few weeks, I do believe they were tired. I squirmed a little and I guess she finally got one in somewhere. I really don't recall much after that because my friend behind me must have gassed me out.
Next thing I knew I was barely waking up asking the nurse what time it was? I am thinking she said 3 something. That couldn't be right, they started my procedure I thought at 8 and it took them that long? Heck, I don't know, I was all drugged up.
I don't recall much of the rest of that day. I do remember seeing my aunt and uncle who were sweet enough to make the drive up. I also remember hearing my uncle say "Go Cubs!" I was really confused and didn't know if that was my drugs talking because he is a die hard Cardinals fan. They hugged me and took off. I also remember seeing Angie's sister Paula and my good friend Ace (Angie Avery is her real name, but she will always be Ace to me). My sister, Kale (my youngest nephew), and Sophia (my great-niece) were there. I must have looked pretty scary because Kale was screaming at the top of his lungs. I even tried talking to him and that seemed to scare him more. Jacque and Tyler (her youngest) also came to visit. They actually didn't come to visit, that poor group of people waited for me all day. I love them all! My sister even bought me the Green Bay Mickey Mouse blanky :) Angie was right by my side and my mom and dad were too. Eventually, they all had to leave, but my mom stayed the night with me.
The rest of that day really sucked. I had a chest tube put in and it was resting right on a nerve. I had never really experienced pain like that. I kept telling myself "it could be worse." Typically to remove a lobe of the lung, doctors have to break your ribs to get to it. My doc was sure he wouldn't have to do that and instead use a scope to get to it. THANK the Good Lord, he didn't have to break any of my ribs. If he had, my recovery would have been 4-6 MONTHS! Instead, my recovery was 4-6 weeks. I think knowing that made the pain a little easier. However, the nurses had me walk with that chest tube in and I could barely move or breath because it would hit that nerve. Somehow, I mustard through it every time. I also had an epidural in to ease the pain a little. I was incredibly uncomfortable!
Every two hours the nurses would come in and check on me. They were all so awesome, except this one.....she made me want to jump out the window.
Every so many hours, the nurses had to give me a shot in the belly to prevent blood clots. I didn't mind certain nurses doing it. Some would bunch up my belly and do a quick poke others would do it like they were throwing a dart. Those got old after awhile too.
The next day, I think, a lady came in to remove my chest tube. YIKES. That was the oddest feeling ever. I turned into Angie and she consoled me while the nurse said "Ready!" Ready or not, that thing came out and I can't even describe the feeling. Thank goodness that one was over. Having that out did relieve some of the uncomfortableness and pain.
Every time I would get out of the bed, I would get nauseous. I was so pumped full of drugs and the after affects of anesthesia I am sure was the cause. So, two mornings in a row the nurse that made me want to jump out the window, would come in. I was sitting in the recliner trying to get over the nausea. This nurse came over to me demanding I order breakfast at the very moment, put Milk of Magnesia in my face and demanded I drink it at that very moment and than proceeded to tell me that she needed to give me a shot in the belly! I looked at her and said, "Miss, I am not feeling the greatest right now, can you GIVE ME A MINUTE!" She insisted, "I need to witness you drinking the Milk of Magnesia and I don't mean to nag you about it, but I need you to drink it, like now."
I am thinking....Lady, if you make me drink any form of liquid that I don't find appealing at this moment, you will be receiving the Milk of Magfreakingnesia in your face. More nagging she did, so I finally gave her the nastiest look, downed the M of M, threw open my gown for her to give me the shot, and told my mom to order whatever breakfast she wanted. Hoping my actions would get her out of the room ASAP! I don't typically act this way.....This leads me to needing a breather! I'll be back with more experiences from my first surgery. By the way....the doctors removed one entire lobe on my right lung and took 10-12 lymph nodes surrounding the tumor. Two of those lymph nodes came back positive. Not necessarily a good sign....
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