Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day of my demise.

July 20, 2012: The day of my supposed demise. My life flashed before my eyes in one single instant. After a month of chest x-rays, CT scans, Ultra Sounds, and the infamous PT Scan....I was told, that spot on my lung was CANCER. The doctor walked into the room with another gal: should have been my 1st clue. She flat out, no sugar coat told my mom and I that indeed I have cancer AND there's a spot on my liver, which made it Stage 4, the worst! O and that I had to be rushed for an MRI to see if it had spread to my brain as that type of cancer usually spreads up. WHAT? Excuse me, back it up!
I am 33 years old, never smoked, haven't been exposed to 2nd hand smoke any more than anyone else, am healthy, and never sick...except back in May, I thought I had sinus infection. I went to my family doc after a couple of days, he listened to my lungs and treated me for bronchitis. I was wasted for a week, nothing seemed to help. Eventually, I felt good enough to return to my routine and a month later I decided to return to the doctor. I was tired ALL of the time, tight chested, short of breath at times and that just wasn't normal for me. THANK GOD I went back. My doc's physician's assistant (who may be my saving grace) finally took a chest x-ray, thought it may be pneumonia. She calls me, says radiologist doesn't seem to think that looks like pneumonia. So, I get set up for a CT Scan and every other test, a month later, July 20!
The look on my Mom's face was heartbreaking, it was the last thing I wanted her to here. After all, she is a breast cancer survivor, her husband the day before was supposed to have a procedure to remove lymph nodes from his neck because of tongue cancer, she was working to move my grandparents out of their house and into an apartment, she has lost a husband previously (the love of her life) in a car accident! REALLY, now she has to see her daughter go through this! Give her a break. Wait until you hear how the rest of July 20 went........


  1. Have been thinking of you & sending good thoughts your way since hearing of your diagnosis. Hang in there-you always were one of the strongest, bravest women I've ever known. Had no idea you were a an accomplishment. I always figured you'd be a teacher or a coach...but to be in charge! Way to go, Steph.

    Hugs from Texas (or, as I call it, Tex-ass). ;)


  2. Hahaha, thank you Tamara. It's really nice to hear from you. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers too! Keep following :)

  3. I am Norma Jean's sister Carla. I am praying for a complete recovery for you. I think it is wonderful how you are having the radon removal equipment installed in your school.
