Friday, September 21, 2012

Roller Coaster Hill number 3?

My oncologist tells me he has my liver biopsy results back already. I want to say this is a Monday, but I can't be sure. I was really surprised that he was calling me. He told me that he normally doesn't do this, but he wanted to call and tell me that my biopsy came back "normal." I was really confused and by the sound of his voice, so was he. He said he wanted to give me a glimmer of hope, but to keep in mind that the doc could have missed the spot during the biopsy. My breathing could have made him miss or any slight movement. After we hung up, I shared the report with Angie. She too was surprised and confused. Neither one of us really believed that the spot wasn't cancer. I called my mom to tell her and from that report, she truly believed that spot WAS NOT cancer. Was it mother's intuition or a mom trying to convince herself that her daughter was going to live?
The days passed somehow and it was time for me to meet the liver surgeon. This was a big day for me and again I was a nervous wreck. My life literally was in the hands of both of these surgeons. I had my same support team, but it was only me and Rose in the room waiting for the surgeon. He walks in and greets me, I could barely understand him. I had to listen very closely, not sure where he was from, but he had a cool accent. He talked to me for what seemed to be forever, about my situation. He had a hard time understanding why a 33 year old non-smoker was in this position. Join the club bud! So, will you get the thing out of my liver or not? He didn't seem to answer that too quick either.
He was the first to give me a little physical. He had me lay down, but before I did, I pulled this little black book from my bra. No joke! Ever since I stayed at my mom's house the night I found out.....I needed to have something near my chest. gave me a little black bible, only the New Testament, but it did the trick. I also put a picture of my mom in that little Bible. In that pic, her hair was barely growing back from when she had chemo. It was and is my inspiration. Anyway, I've never seen a stranger look on someone's face as I did when I pulled that out.
He gave me a good feel and felt my lymph nodes. I guess things turned out alright because he sat me back up and gave me the news. He told me that he was perplexed that the liver biopsy came back the way it did. Clearly, that mass was active on the PT Scan. He was sure that they hit the right spot, but he was still unsure, so he wanted me to have another biopsy. YIKES! None the less, he did say he could get the mass out. Praise the Lord!
We walked out to meet with my support group and relief fell across the room, especially in my Mom and Angie. Angie and I were both still not convinced that the spot on my liver wasn't cancer, but my mom, she still was. So, another biopsy it is. But, first, we go to Minnesota to visit the doctors at the MAYO clinic. One of the best hospitals in the world. Let's see if they confer with Des Moines.

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